Determining Your Optimal Heart Rate Zone
There are five basic heart rate target zones described in the table above.
Simply select a zone that matches your percent of maximum (%) heart rate
based on the fitness goal you want to achieve during a particular exercise.
Before you can set your zone, you first need to determine your maximum
heart rate. You can use many methods to estimate your maximum heart
The booklet
Heart Zones
Tools For Success
included in your Heart Rate
Monitor packaging (U.S. customers only) provides excellent procedures
and Timex recommends you use one of these methodologies.
You might consider using the government recommended age-based method.
Web Resources
Timex websites offer beneficial information to help you optimize your
Heart Rate Monitor.
Register your product at www.timex.com.
Visit www.timextrainer.com for more on Timex
Health & Fitness
products, Timex
sports watches, and training information.
Zone % Goal Benefit
1 50% to 60% Light exercise
Maintain a healthy heart and
get fit
2 60% to 70% Weight management Lose weight and burn fat
3 70% to 80% Aerobic base building
Increase stamina and aerobic
4 80% to 90% Optimal conditioning
Sustain excellent fitness
5 90% to 100% Elite athletic training
Achieve superb athletic
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