your Watch. It can record elapsed time for up to 100 hours. It can
also register data from the Fitness Sensors for up to 100 laps.
duration of your activity.
of your current activity.
complete timing one lap and begin timing a new one.
Time of Day Mode tips & tricks
➤ You can return to Time of Day Mode from any other mode on the
Watch by pressing and holding MODE until the time of
day displays.
➤ The Watch does not automatically adjust for Daylight Savings
Time. When switching between Standard Time and Daylight
Savings Time, you must manually adjust the hour value.
➤ If the Watch does not detect either of the Fitness Sensors, the day
of the week will appear on the bottom line of the display.
➤ You can only reset the seconds value to zero if you use the Watch
in conjunction with the HR Sensor.
➤ You may adjust the minutes value ahead or behind the correct
time and the watch will remember your setting. This feature
helps people who like to set their watches a little ahead to keep
them on time.
Time of Day Mode example
Assume that you live in San Francisco and work with a client in
Singapore. Like all busy people, it is imperative you keep track of
time, so you set T1 to your local time. But it is also important to
have a quick reminder of your client’s time, so you set T2 to
Singapore time. With both time zones available, you can quickly
check your client’s time or even switch your monitor to display T2
when you travel to Singapore.