Product Registration Card
Fax to 919.850.0720 or Drop in envelope to:
5640 Departure Dr. Raleigh, NC 27616
Model No. Serial No.
First Name Last Name
Company Name
City State Zip
Daytime Phone with Area Code Email Address Fax#
Purchased From Purchase Date
So that we may serve you better, please indicate your primary business activity.
(01) Manufacturing (07) Hotel/Motel
(02) Wholesale (08) Banking/Financial
(03) Retail (09) Medical/Dental
(04) Government (10) Construction
(05) University/School (11) Other
(06) Restaurant
Number of Employees using this product
(20) 1-10 (23) 50-75
(21) 11-25 (24) 76-100
(22) 26-49 (25) 100+
Annual Sales in dollars
(30) Under $100,000 (33) $500,000 – 1,000,000
(31) $100,000 – 250,000 (34) $1 million – 5 million
(32) $250,000 – 500,000 (35) $over 5 million
Do you use Microsoft Windows?
(40) Yes (41) No
Are you interested in receiving additional product information?
(50) Yes (51) No
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