Watch Buttons
Display Icons
You will see the hollow heart icon as the watch searches for a signal
from the Personal Heart Rate Sensor.
You will see the heart icon fill once the watch has located a signal
from the Personal Heart Rate Sensor.This icon will continue to flash
as long as the watch continually receives a signal from the Personal
Heart Rate Sensor.
You will see the activity timer icon to indicate that the watch is timing
your activity.You will only see the activity timer icon when you use
the watch in conjunction with the Personal Heart Rate Sensor.
You will see the chime icon when you have turned on the audible
target zone alert or if you have turned on the hourly chime for Time of
Day Mode.
Turn the Personal Heart
Rate Monitor on or off
INDIGLO® night-light
Initiate a recovery or view
the date
Review information about
an activity
Adjust Time of Day or
Personal Heart Rate
Monitor options
Once set up,your Personal Heart Rate Monitor can automatically show you
when you are in the exercise zone you chose and signal you when you are
not. It can help keep your body exercising at an intensity level that can
help you achieve your desired fitness objectives without over- or under-
This is not a medical device and is not recommended for use by
persons with serious heart conditions. You should always con-
sult your physician before beginning or modifying an exercise
Interference with the radio signal,poor contact between your skin and the
Personal Heart Rate Sensor, or other factors may prevent accurate trans-
mission of heart rate data.