❖ With the chronograph or timer running along with the Digital Heart
Rate Sensor,you can change the Time of Day Mode display by pressing
HEART RATE. Choose from:
1) Time of Day with Day/Month/Date;
2) Zone Trainer bar/Heart Rate;
3) Zone Trainer bar/Lap or Split Time;
4) Heart Rate/Lap or Split Time;
5) Lap or Split Time/Heart Rate; or
6) Heart Rate only.
Time of Day Example
To Switch Time Zones
The Watch can track two time zones (T1 and T2).To look at the second
zone in Time of Day Mode,press START/SPLIT. T1 or T2 will flash in the
lower right corner indicating the alternate time zone.You can switch from
T1 to T2 or T2 to T1 by using these steps:
1. Press and hold START/SPLIT until HOLD FOR T1 or HOLD FOR T2
2. Continue to hold until the time switches and the Watch beeps.
Time of Day Notes & Tips
❖ You can return to Time of Day Mode from any other mode on the
Watch by pressing MODE until the time of day appears.
❖ The Watch does not automatically adjust for Daylight Savings Time.
When switching between Standard Time and Daylight Savings Time,
you must manually adjust the hour value.
❖ The Watch automatically moves from February 28 to March 1.To
accommodate a leap year,you must manually set the date value to
February 29.The Watch will then automatically move from February 29
to March 1.
❖ At any time during the setting process,you can save your changes and
return to the main time display by pressing STOP/SET/RESET.
❖ While setting the Watch, if you do not press any buttons on the Watch
for a period of 2 to 3 minutes,the Watch will automatically save
whatever changes you have made and will exit the setting process.
Assume that you live in San Francisco and work with a client in Singapore.
Like all busy people, it is imperative you keep track of time, so you set T1
to your local time.But it is also important to have a quick reminder of your
client’s time, so you set T2 to Singapore time. With both time zones
available, you can quickly check your client’s time or even switch your
Watch to display T2 when you travel to Singapore.