• Thedistancetravelledcanbeobtainedabovethe“15”
marker on the inner ring. The number indicated on the
outer ring is “10”.
To convert distance from nautical miles to statute miles
and kilometers
Distance to convert is 10 nautical miles
• Alignthe“10”arrowontheouterringabovethe
“NAUT” on the inner ring. The conversion in statute
miles (11.5) is found above the inner ring “STAT” mark-
ing, and the conversion to kilometers (18.5) is found
above the inner ring “MPH” marking.
(Variations of the following bracelet sections apply to all
watch models).
1. Open locking plate.
2. Move clasp to desired
bracelet length.
3. Exert pressure while
holding locking plate and
slide clasp back and forth until it engages in grooves
on underside of bracelet.
4. Press locking plate down until it snaps closed. Clasp
can be damaged if excessive force is used.