3. Stop the chronograph once the target for speed
measurement passes the finish marker.
4. The chronograph second hand is compared to the
tachymeter markings to determine the target’s speed.
The slide rule function of the top ring operates by rotating
the outer ring. The inner ring does not move. The outer
ring is always related to “distance” or “speed”, or any
data that varies with time. The inner ring only notes units
of time.
On the outer ring, the figure “10” represents factors or
multiples of 10, such as 0.1, 1.0, 10, or 100
On the inner ring, “MPH” (mile per hour) refers to “speed
index”. This index is used to calculate the speed involving
any data per hour. On the inner ring, “STAT” (statute miles)
and “NAUT” (nautical miles) are for conversion of distance
outer rinG
inner rinG