PowrCoat 13
Cleanup Maintenance
11. Close the shuto valve (g 13, item 1). The gure shows the
handle in the closed position.
12. Close the bleed valve by turning it fully clockwise.
13. Open the shuto valve (g. 13, item 1). The handle should
now be in line with the valve.
Earth the gun by holding it against the edge of the
metal container while flushing. Failure to do so may
lead to a static electric discharge, which may cause
a fire.
14. Trigger the gun into the metal waste container until the paint
is ushed out of the hose and solvent is coming out of the
15. Continue to trigger the spray gun into the waste container
until the solvent coming out of the gun is clean.
For long-term or cold weather storage, pump
mineral sprits through the entire system.
16. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” found in the Operation
section of this manual.
17. Store the sprayer in a clean, dry area.
Do not store the sprayer under pressure.
5.3 Cleaning the Air Filter
The air lter blocks any debris or particles that might be present in
the supplied air from the air compressor. It is important that this lter
be checked after every use.
1. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” found in the Operation
section of this manual.
2. Unthreadthelterhousing(1)thatislocatedunderneaththe
air motor shroud.
3. Remove and inspect the lter (2) inside the reservoir. If dirty,
clean with warm, soapy water.
4. Replace the lter in the housing. Thread the housing into
position underneath the motor shroud.
When the lter housing is replaced properly, the
“up” arrow (s) should be visible inside the viewing
window (3).
6. Maintenance
Before proceeding, follow the Pressure Relief
Procedure outlined previously in this manual.
Additionally, follow all other warnings to reduce the
risk of an injection injury, injury from moving parts
or electric shock. Always unplug the sprayer before
6.1 Daily Maintenance
Two daily procedures are required for routine operator maintenance
on this sprayer:
A. Lubricatingtheupperpackings.
B. Cleaningthelterscreen
A) Lubricating the Upper Packings
1. Clean out the paint that has seeped past the upper packings
into the packing oil reservoir (g. 15, item 1) above the uid
2. Fillthepackingoilreservoir1/2fullwithPistonLube(P/N314-
480) supplied by the factory. This will extend packing life.
Do not over-ll the reservoir so that it overows and
drips into the paint.
B) Cleaning the Filter Screen
1. The lter screen will clog and must be cleaned at least once a
2. Loosenthehexnut(g.16,item1)thatsecuresthelter
screen to the siphon tube.
3. Remove the lter screen (2) from the bottom of the siphon
4. Clean thoroughly with the appropriate solvent.