6. Connection and Disconnection
For the possibility to connect to the Internet, at least one Internet
4G or GPRS/EDGE device must be installed. It is usually installed
already during the installation of the T-Mobile Communication
Centre, however, it can be carried out at any time – see the
rocedure described in Section 9.
Step 1
Select the handset or card you want to connect with from the
pull-down menu with the list of available devices.
Step 2
Make sure that the device is correctly connected to the computer
(by cable, Bluetooth, infrared port, or PCMCIA card).
Step 3
Press the button with receiver and await connection establishment.
The connection progress is displayed on the screen.
If you have set up multiple connections for the particular device
(see Section 9), you will be first prompted to choose the required
connection. However, you will most probably use only the Internet
connection (through APN Internet), which will be automatically used
as default connection.
Note: If you are going to use a 4G Modem or a 4G PC Card, the
PIN code request on your SIM card is active and you will be
prompted to enter your PIN code before the first connection. It is
possible to deactivate the PIN code protection in the window used
for PIN entry.
If you are going to use Option Globetrotter GPRS PCMCIA card, it
is necessary to deactivate the PIN code request on your SIM card!
The PIN request must be also deactivated whenever you use this
card together with T-Mobile Communication Centre (for example
when connecting through GPRS). Standard drivers supplied with
the Option card must be installed when the PIN code protection is
required for the data SIM card used – see the procedure
described in Section 11. Unless the PIN code is urgently required,
we do not recommend installation of standard Option drivers due
to possible problems with some Windows configurations. When
the PIN code request on the SIM card is off, it is enough to install
the T
-Mobile Communication Centre.
Once the connection is se
t up, the windo
w will display a duration of
connection and a met
er of total data volume transmitted during the
ent connection. The „Details“ button is displayed in the right
. It allows to get more informatin about current conectin.
After you pressed the „Details“ button the window will display a meter
of data volume transmitted during the current connection and
graphic connection speed meter, which informs you about the
current transmission speed. The values are displayed in bytes or
ilobytes per second. It is also possible to set up transparency of an
external graph displayed in the bottom right screen corner. This
graph can be used for continuous monitoring of the transmission
speed (the graph is transparent it is possible to click through it).
When the minimal transparency value is set (the indicator next to the
speed meter is moved far left), the external graph will not be shown.
The following information can be found right from the graphic speed
■ duration of connection – in hh:mm:ss format
■ current – current transmission speed in bytes or kB per second
■ maximum – maximal speed of transmission reached during current
session measured in bytes or kilobytes per second
■ total – amount of data sent and received during the current session
measured in bytes or kilobytes
When a connection is active, the button with receiver changes its
appearance to a replaced handset. Clicking this button will terminate
the connection.
When the particular GPRS/EDGE device is connected, sending of
SMS messages or its removal will not be possible – relevant buttons
will not be accessible in such case. If you use and have multiple
devices installed in the T-Mobile Communication Centre, it is possible
to send SMS messages through another device. It is however
y to select it from the pull-down menu with the list of GPRS
devices and only then click on the button with the envelope symbol.
te: Actions relating to clicking on connection/disconnection
on always relate to the device selected from the list. This
means that if y
ou choose a
device from the list and press the
receiver button, the connection will be established. If you
subsequently select another device and click the receiver button
again, the current connection will not be terminated – instead, the
system will attempt to establish a new connection through the
newly selected device. If you wan to end the current connection in
such case, y
ou ha
e t
o r
e-select the connected device from the list
and pr
ess the r
er butt
on. Please note the receiver position
wn on the butt
on – it inf
ms y
ou whether clicking the button
will r
esult in connection es
ablishment or t