2A. Phone Basics 11
Status Icons
1Beep and Vibrate – 1 Beep and vibrate are set.
Ringer and Vibrate –The volume level is set to
between 1 and 8 and vibrate is turned on.
Speaker Mode –Yourphone is in speakermode.
Status Icons
Battery –Yourphone’s current battery charge
level. (The icon to the left shows the battery is fully
charged.)The icon is animated while the battery is
Location On –Yourphone’s location feature is on
and available forlocation-based services such as
GPS Navigation.
Location Off –Yourphone’s location feature is off.
Yourlocation is available only for911.
Silence All –Your phone’s sound is turned off.
Vibrate All –Yourphone’s sound is turned off but
vibrate is turned on.
Ringer Off –Yourphone’s ringeris turned off.
1Beep – Abeep sounds when you receive an
incoming call, a message, etc.
Phone Basics