1. Place on a lightly floured surface, roll dough into a 12 x 18 inch rectangle for 18 rolls, (12 x 24 inch
rectangle for 24 rolls) and spread with butter. Combine remaining filling ingredients and sprinkle
over butter. Roll up tightly, jelly-roll style, starting with the longest side and cut into one inch slices.
2. Place in greased baking pans and let stand in a warm place for 1 hour or until double in size.
3. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 25-30 minutes or until done.
4. Mix glaze ingredients until smooth and drizzle over top.
1 1/2 pounds 2 pounds
18 ro l l s 24 ro l l s
egg room temperatuare plus 1 1
enough water 80°F/27°C to equal 1 cup 1 1/2 cups
o i l 1/4 cup 1/3 cup
s u g a r 1/3 cup 1/2 cup
s a l t 1 tsp 1 1/2 tsp
bread flour 3 1/2 cups 4 1/2 cups
a c t i v e dry ye a s t 1 1/2 tsp 2 tsp
P ro g r a m 1 0 1 0
A d d at the beep:
wa l nu t s, chopped (optional) 1/2 cup 2/3 cup
raisins (optional) 1/2 cup 2/3 cup
F i l l i n g
bu t t e r, softened 1/3 cup 1/2 cup
s u g a r 1/3 cup 1/2 cup
c i n n a m o n 2 T B L 3 T B L
G l a ze
p o wdered sugar 1/2 cup 2/3 cup
milk, liquid 3 T B L 1/4 cup
va n i l l a 1/4 tsp 1/2 tsp