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1 coffee cake
water 80°F/27°C 1 cup
lemon juice 1 tsp
oil 1 TBL
sugar 1 1/2 TBL
salt 3/4 tsp
dry milk 1 TBL
bread flour 3 1/4 cups
active dry yeast 1 1/2 tsp
cream cheese, room temperature 8 oz
sugar 2 TBL
maraschino cherries, chopped 1/2 cup
milk, liquid 1 TBL
almond extract 1/2 tsp
powdered sugar 1/2 cup
sour cream 1 TBL
milk, liquid 1-2 TBL
sliced almonds, to decorate 2 TBL
cherries, quartered, to decorate 2 TBL
program 6
1. Place on a lightly floured surfa c e. Roll into a 15 x 10 inch rectangle. Spread filling over dough
within 1/2 inch of edges. S t a rting with longest side, roll dough up tightly, pressing edges to
s e a l .
2 . Place roll, seam-side down, on a greased baking sheet and join the ends to fo rm a ri n g ; p i n c h
to seal.With a knife, make cuts 1 1/2 inches apart from the outside edge to within one inch of
the inside edge.Tu rn each section on its side so filling show s.
3 . C over and let rise in a wa rm place 40 minutes or until almost double in size.
4 . U n c over and bake at 375°F/190°C for 20-25 minutes or until done.
5 . Combine the first three glaze ingr e d i e n t s, adding only enough milk for drizzling consistency.
D rizzle over the wa rm coffee cake.D e c o rate with almonds and cherri e s. S e rve wa rm .