Dist. Unit METER /FEET
Select the distance measuring unit Meter or Feet shown on
the display.
C.F. m/ft Us.f /Intl.f
Select the meter / feet conversion factor.
1m =3.280833333333333 ft.
1m =3.280839895013123 ft.
Min. Dist. OFF / ON
Select OFF or ON for the minimum distance in fine mode.
OFF:1mm :ON: 0.2mm
S/A buzz. OFF / ON
Select the Audio tone OFF or ON for the Set Audio Mode.
W-corr. OFF/ 0.14 / 0.20
Select the coefficient correction for refraction and earth
curvature. Selections for the refraction coefficient are;
OFF (No correction), K=0.14 or K=0.20.
N/E/Z mem OFF / MEM.ON
Select the option to store the coordinates (NEZ) for the
occupied point when power is turned off.
N/E- ord. NEZ / ENZ
Select the display format in the coordinate measurement
mode for NEZ or ENZ.
Temp. Unit °C / °F Select the temperature unit for the atmospheric correction.
Pres. Unit mmHg/inHg/hPa Select the air pressure unit for the atmospheric correction .
R/L Lock OFF / ON
Prohibit switching angle right or left by soft key in angle
measurement mode
OFF : Switching is possible ON : Prohibition
m/ft Lock OFF / ON
Prohibit switching meter unit or feet unit.
OFF : Switching is possible ON : Prohibition
d / m / y
m / d / y
y /m / d
Select the date format shown on the display.
(Month / Date / Year) , (Date/Month/ Year) or (Year / Month /
A. P. OFF OFF / ON (01 to 99)
The auto power off function can be turned OFF or set ON.
OFF : not use ON :1 to 99 minutes (numeric key)
Heater OFF / ON
The heater option for both display units can be turned OFF or
EDM wait OFF / ON (01 to 99)
EDM cut off time after distance measurement is completed
can be changed.
OFF : EDM is cut off immediately after measuring
ON : EDM is cut off after 1 to 99 minutes.
Ini. mode Menu / Std / E.Link
Select the initial mode when powering on.
Menu : Menu Std : Standard measurement
E.Link : External link
Self chk OFF / ON Select the self check function ON or OFF when powering on.