3.2 Video and audio settings 17
3.2.1 Television standard
The digital receiver supports two typesof television standard.
One is the PAL standard, and the other is the NTSC stan-
dard. PAL was adopted in European countries while NTSC
is adopted in USA, Canada, Mexico and so forth.
If you have a PAL television, you have to set the TV Type op-
tion to PAL. In this case, if a service is broadcasted in NTSC
standard, thedigital receiver convertsit into thePAL standard
for your PAL television. However, its quality would some-
what fall. The opposite case brings about the same result.
The best thing is to watch PAL services with a PAL television
and to watch NTSC services with a NTSC television. How-
ever, the multi television set is able to process both of them.
So if you have an multi television set, set the TV Type op-
tion to Multi. With this option, the digital receiver will output
them without standard conversion. This setting is most rec-
ommended especially if you are not sure what standard tele-
vision you have.
3.2.2 Color model
Through the TV SCART connector, the digital receiver is able
to output video in various color models. If you have the digi-
tal receiver linked to your television from this connector, you
shouldset theVideo Outputoption toyourdesiredcolor model.
Ifyou haveconnectedthem byRCA connectoratwhich VIDEO
readson the back panelof the digitalreceiver, youdo not have
to set this option because the digital receiver outputs CVBS
video through RCA connectorindependent of SCART connec-
It is known in general that the RGB color model provides the
best video quality with little difference from the YUV color
modelbut theCVBScolor modeldoes theleast. So RGBwould
be most desirable for this option.