56 Listing Services
To delete a satellite entry, choose your desired satellite entry at
the Satellite drop-down list box, and then select the Function
Satellite, TP
Delete Satellite menu item. Then a box appears
asking for your confirmation, the selected satellite entry will
be deleted by pressing the Yes button on it.
To modify a satellite entry, choose your desired satellite entry
at the Satellite drop-down list box, and then select the Function
Satellite, TP
Edit Satellite menu item. How to modify is
the same as in adding a new satellite entry.
To add a transponder entry, select the Function
Add Transponder menu item. Then a box appears, in
which you should specify frequency, symbol rate, polarity and
stream identification for your new transponder. Pressing the
OK button will save a new transponder entry.
To delete a tansponder entry, choose your desired transponder
entry at the TP List list box, and then select the Function
Satellite, TP
Delete Transponder menu item. Then a box
appears asking for your confirmation, the selected transponder
entry will be deleted by pressing the Yes button on it.
To modify a transponder entry, choose your desired trans-
ponder entry at the TP List list box, and then select the Function
Satellite, TP
Edit Transponder menu item. How to modify
is the same as in adding a new transponder entry.