To properly identify the sender of your documents, the e-STUDIO170F prints a transmission header (TTI) on the recording paper of the remote facsimile. The information
included in the TTI are:
• Date and Start Time
The date and start time when this document was sent to the remote facsimile.
• Transmitting Station ID Name (see page 42)
• Transmission Serial Number
With each transmission, the e-STUDIO170F automatically assigns a unique transmission number. This number is also printed on the Activity Journals.
• Page Number/Total Number of Pages
Each page of the document is printed with a page number followed by the total number of pages in the document (e.g. 001/003 means the first page of three total
• File Number
Each document sent from memory is assigned a file number. This file number is used by the e-STUDIO170F to assist you in managing multiple document jobs.
You can select the following options for your TTI information.
• Inside
The document is sent to the receiver with the TTI included in the document data. Accordingly, if any characters exist near the top edge of the sending data, they may
be overlapped with the TTI.
• Outside
The document is sent to the receiver with the TTI to be printed outside the sending data. Accordingly, if any characters exist near the top edge of the sending data, the
TTI and the sending data will not overlap in transmission.
• Off
The U.S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) requires that anyone sending a facsimile message must identify themselves (or company), give their facsimile tele-
phone number, and provide the date and time of the transmission. This information must be on the lead-edge of, at least, the first page of the facsimile transmission.
TTI (Transmit Terminal ID) Print
Total Page
01-31-2005 10:00 FROM: TOSHIBA +1-714-583-0000 T-123 P.001/003 F-030
Start Time
Station ID Name
File Number
Serial Number