3. Printing
304 Printing Guide — Printing from UNIX
— Smoothing
The smoothing mode can be set using the following option.
Example: The command to set the smoothing mode is “lp –o smoothing=on filename”.
— Distinguish Thin Lines
The thin line limit mode can be set using the following option.
Example: The command to set the thin line limit mode is
“lp –o thinlinelimit=on filename”.
— Do not Print Blank Pages
The Blank page mode can be selected using the following option.
— Toner Save
The toner save mode can be set using the following option.
Example: The command to set the toner save mode is “lp –o tonersave=on filename”.
— Booklet Modes
The booklet mode can be selected using the following options.
Option Value Alternate Value Description
smoothing=on ON Set the smoothing mode.
smoothing=off OFF Cancel the smoothing mode.
Option Value Alternate Value Description
thinlinelimit=on ON Set the thin line limit mode.
thinlinelimit=off OFF Cancel the thin line limit mode.
Option Value Alternate Value Description
blankpage=0 Set the blank page mode (disable Do not Print Blank
blankpage=1 Cancel the blank page mode (enable Do not Print Blank
Option Value Alternate Value Description
tonersave=on ON Set the toner save mode.
tonersave=off OFF Cancel the toner save mode.
Option Value Alternate Value Description
booklet=letter lt
Select letter size paper for booklet printing mode.
booklet=A4 a4 Select A4 size paper for booklet printing mode.
booklet=legal lg
Select legal size paper for booklet printing mode.
Select statement size paper for booklet printing mode.