T1/T1S User’s Manual
7. Instructions
This instruction is only effective for the T2 I/O modules connected to the T1-40 or T1-40S by using
the expansion rack.
The special module can be designated not only by the assigned register, but also by the mounting
position. The mounting position is designated by a constant data for the operand
as follows.
Slot number (hexadecimal)
Unit number (hexadecimal)
In the T1-40/T1-40S, 0 is only available for the unit number and 4 to 7 are available for the slot
number. The first slot (left most slot) of the expansion rack is recognized as slot 4. Consequently,
available designation is H0004 to H0007.
The WRITE instruction is not executed as error in the following cases. In these cases, the
instruction error flag (ERF = S051) is set to ON. If the ERF is set to ON once, it remains ON until
resetting to OFF by user program.
(1) When the operand
is other than a valid constant (see above) or XW/YW register.
(2) When no answer error occurs with the designated special module.
(3) When the number of words transferred exceeds 256 words.
(4) When the source table of transfer is out of the valid range.
(5) When the destination table of transfer is out of the valid range.
The WRITE instruction can be programmed in the main program and in the interrupt program.
If this instruction is programmed in both, the instruction in the main program should be executed in
interrupt disable state. Refer to EI (FUN 140) and DI (FUN 141) instructions.
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