TOSHIBA e-STUDIO28/35/45 Unix Printer Driver
User’s Guide 22
The user can specify to turn on collation and stapling.
Keyword Name Translation/Display Text
finishing Finishing
Option Name Translation/Display Text
none None
sort Sort
group Group
alternation Alternation
stapleul Upper Left Staple
stapleur Upper Right Staple
staplel2 Left (Double) Staple
staplet2 Top (Double) Staple
saddle Saddle Stich
Hole Punch
The Hole Punch setting is the selection for punch holes, whether turned off, or
punched on the left or top of the page.
Keyword Name Translation/Display Text
punch Hole Punch
Option Name Translation/Display Text
none Off
left Left
top Top
The user can specify whether to turn on or off smoothing.
Keyword Name Translation/Display Text
refine Smoothing
Option Name Translation/Display Text
off Off
type1 On