Specify the following items as required.
• DHCP (IP Address)—Select whether or not the IPv6 address which is issued from the DHCPv6 server is used
for this equipment. Press the [ENABLE] button to use the address, or [DISABLE] button to not use it.
• DHCP (OPTIONS)—Select whether or not the optional information (IPv6 address for the DNS server, etc.)
except the IPv6 address for this equipment, which is issued from the DHCPv6 server is used on this equip-
ment. Press the [ENABLE] button to use the information, or [DISABLE] button to not use it.
In “AUTO” mode, you cannot assign “IP ADDRESS”, “PREFIX” and “GATEWAY” manually.
Press the [Next] button.
• IPv6 (Auto Configuration) screen is displayed.
Specify the following items as required.
• STATELESS ADDRESS—Press the [ENABLE] button to use the IPv6 addresses issued from routers, or [DIS-
ABLE] button to not use them.
• KEEP CONFIGURATION—Select the method on how to handle IPv6 address data when new IPv6 address is
provided from the same router providing the current IPv6 address to this equipment. Press the [ENABLE] but-
ton to retain the current IPv6 address data and add new IPv6 address to this equipment. Press the [DISABLE]
button to overwrite the current IPv6 address data with new IPv6 address.
• DHCP (IP Address)—Press the [ENABLE] button to use the IPv6 address issued from the DHCPv6 server in
the stateless network environment, or [DISABLE] button to not use it.
• DHCP (OPTIONS)—Press the [ENABLE] button to use the optional information (IPv6 address for the DNS
server, etc.) issued from the DHCPv6 server in the stateless network environment, or [DISABLE] button to not
use it.
Either “DHCP (IP Address)” on the IPv6 (Manual/Statefull Address) screen or “STATELESS ADDRESS” on the
IPv6 (Auto Configuration) screen must be in “ENABLE” mode.