05_PrintRef-PSFontProperties.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
86 GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic)
Postscript Font Properties
The Fonts property page allows you to set various font options
that can make printing your documents faster and more efficient.
It also provides access to the AGFA Font Manager application.
PostScript Font Properties page
Send to Printer as:—is the type of font to be sent to the printer.
Threshold Units:—is the type of unit in which the threshold size is
Threshold:—is the size (in threshold units) at and above which
fonts are sent to the printer per the rule set by Use Printer Fonts...
or Use Substitution Table.
For System Font:—lists systems fonts for use in the substitution
Use Device Font:—lists device fonts available to match a system
font in the substitution table.