Administrator Programming
Setting the IP Telephone Headset Transmit Volume
110 Strata CIX IP5000-series Telephone UG 05/08
Setting the IP Telephone Headset Transmit
1. Press 3+6+9+Hold (simultaneously).
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press the Feature Buttons to turn the LEDs On/Off for the desired volume
transmission level (see Table 16).
5. Press FB4 for headset voice output in speakerphone mode (LED On = with, LED
Off = without).
6. Press
Hold to set the above data.
7. Go off-hook and hang up.
Viewing IP Telephone Terminal Information
1. Press 3+6+9+Hold (simultaneously).
2. Press
1, then press Hold.
3. Press
FB1 to view IPT firmware version (application and boot versions, read
4. Press
FB2 to view IPT MAC address (read only).
5. Lift the handset off-hook / on-hook to save the settings.
Note FB03 will display the Regional Code (default 0); FB04 will display the
connecting IPU address.
Table 16 Volume Level Transmitted from Headset Microphone
Transmit Level
ON ON ON Level 7 (min.)
ON ON OFF Level 6
ON OFF ON Level 5
ON OFF OFF Level 4
OFF ON ON Level 3 (initial value)
OFF ON OFF Level 2
OFF OFF ON Level 1
OFF OFF OFF Level 0 (max.)