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Function Reads the character string with the specified length from the keyboard or the file.
Format INPUT$ ( <no. of characters> [, [#] <file number> ] )
Term <no. of characters>: The number of characters to be read from the keyboard or file
(1 to 255.)
<file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statement
Explanation The character string with the length specified in <no. of characters> is read from the
file specified in <file number>.
If <file number> is omitted, the input from the keyboard is available. However,
characters input from the keyboard are not displayed on the screen, unlike the INPUT
statement. When the keyboard entry reaches the specified length, the keyboard entry
is disabled automatically, and the program proceeds. Therefore, it is unnecessary to
press the [ENTER] key.
Since the INPUT$ statement is not limited by the input data, it can be used for
reading the ASCII code which cannot be input by the INPUT statement and LINE
INPUT statement.