Maintain room temperature at comfortable level
Clean air filters
The clogged air filter impairs the performance of the air conditioner.
Clean them every 2 weeks.
Never open doors and windows more often than necessary
To keep cool or warm air in the room, never open doors and windows more often than necessary.
Window curtains
In cooling, close the curtains to avoid direct sunlight.
In heating, close the curtains to keep the heat in.
Get uniform circulation of room air
Adjust the air flow direction for the even
circulation of room air.
Cleaning of remote controller
• Use a dry cloth to wipe the remote controller.
• A cloth dampened with cold water may be used on the indoor unit if
it is very dirty.
• Never use a damp cloth on the remote controller.
• Do not use a chemically-treated duster for wiping or leave such
materials on the unit for long. It may damage or fade the surface of
the unit.
• Do not use benzine, thinner, polishing powder, or similar solvents for
cleaning. These may cause the plastic surface to crack or deform.
Gee, chilly
Clean, please.
Please close
Blows upward
Blows downward
Air flow adjustment
Cool and
dry air