– 63 –
<SP80 only>
1) In heating operation, defrost operation is performed when TE sensor satisfies any condition in A zone to D
2) During defrosting operation, it finishes if TE sensor continued 12°C or higher for 3 seconds or continued
7°C ≤ TE < 12°C for 1 minute. The defrost operation also finishes when it continued for 10 minutes even if
TE sensor temperature was 7°C or lower.
3) After defrost operation was reset, the compressor stopped for approx. 40 seconds and then the heating
operation starts.
0 10 15 4539 55 d
TE [˚C]
A zoneA zone
B zoneB zone
C zoneC zone
Start of heating operation
D zoneD zone
∗ The minimum TE value and To value between 10 and 15 minutes after heating operation has started are
stored in memory as TE0 and To0, respectively.
4) The time of above d can be changed by
exchanging jumper [J805] and [J806] of the
outdoor control P.C. board.
(Setting at shipment: 150 minutes)
: Short circuit,
: Open
11. Compressor protective control <SP80 only>
1) This control purposes to raise the operation frequency until 45Hz for 2 minutes in order to protect the
compressor (Prevention of oil accumulation in the refrigerating cycle) when the status that the operation
frequency is 45Hz or less has continued for 10 hours was calculated. The operation frequency follows
the normal indoor command after controlling.
2) Although the compressor may stop by THERMO-OFF control when the room temperature varies and
then attains the set temperature by this control, it is not abnormal.
3) During this control works, if stopping the operation by the remote controller, the operation does not continue.
J805 J806
¡ ×
× ¡
150 minutes
Setting at shipment
90 minutes
60 minutes
30 minutes
A zone
B zone
C zone
D zone
In normal To In abnormal To
When status (TE0 – TE) – (To0 – To) ≥ 3°C When status (TE0 – TE) ≥ 3°C
continued for 20 seconds continued for 20 seconds
When status (TE0 – TE) – (To0 – To) ≥ 2°C When status (TE0 – TE) ≥ 2°C
continued for 20 seconds continued for 20 seconds
When the status (TE ≤ –25°C) continued for 20 seconds
When compressor operation status of TE < –2°C is calculated as d minutes