
STE 58760
Specifies whether to check the parity of each character to be communicated.
Absence of parity check ... 0
Odd parity ... 1
Even parity ... 2
(Stop bit length)
Specifies the stop bit length of each character to be communicated.
1 bit ... 1
2 bits ... 2
Data should be separated by commas and specified in sequence. The data of each channel
should be specified on four lines in sequence.
Assume that communication channel 1 is to be used for a printer and communication channel 2
is to be used for the host computer.
[="PRT" 0 0 1200 8 0 1
0 1 2400 7 1 2
="COM3" 0 0 2400 8 1 2
="COM2" 0 0 4800 7 2 2]
In this example, communication channel 1 is set to "printer, no procedure, 1200 bps, 8 bit
characters, no parity check, and 1 stop bit". Communication channel 2 is set to "host computer,
simple procedure (presence of check sum), 2400 bps, 7 bit characters, odd parity, 2 stop bits".
Communication channel 3 is not set to any port with no procedure, 2400 bps, 8 bit characters,
odd parity, 2 stop bits". Communication channel 2 is not set to any port with 4800 bps, 7 bit
characters, even parity, 2 stop bits".
Note 1)
Set all the four channels for the communication mode. (As channel 4 is unused, however, it
should be set as the dummy.)
Note 2)
The communication channel 0 (COM0) is a channel dedicated for the teach pendant. The
parameters for this channel cannot be changed.