2BB1 Power failure
Make sure that the power cable is connected properly and it is
inserted securely.
2BC0 System fatal error Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry the print. If the
error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2BC1 Failed to acquire
Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry the print. If the
error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2B60 The folder was
renamed. A folder of
the same name
already existed.
Check the folder to be made.
2B70 The document was
renamed. A document
of the same name
already existed.
Check the data to be stored.
2B71 The storage period of
e-Filing documents will
Check the storage period.
2B80 The HDD for storing
e-Filing data is run-
ning out of space.
Delete the unnecessary data in HDD.
2BA1 Incorrect paper size This size is not supported by e-Filing. Check the paper size.
2BD0 Power failure occurred
during restoring.
Check the power cable.
2BE0 Failed to obtain the
machine parameters.
Turn the power OFF and then back ON to print again.
2BF0 Reached the maxi-
mum number of pages.
Reduce the pages to be inserted, and print them.
2BF1 Reached the maxi-
mum number of docu-
Delete unnecessary documents in the box or folder.
2BF2 Reached the maxi-
mum number of fold-
Delete unnecessary folders in the box.
4030 No print enabler/invalid
or proof and private
printing is disabled.
Check if the Printer Kit is connected properly and inserted
securely. Or check if the trial period is expired.
4031 HDD full for printing Too many jobs of Private print and department code print are
stored in HDD.
4032 Private-print-only error Jobs other than Private print cannot be printed. Perform Private
4033 Printing data storing
limitation error
Printing with its data being stored to the HDD temporarily (Proof
print, Private print, Scheduled print, etc.) cannot be performed.
Perform normal printing.
4034 e-Filing storing limita-
tion error
Printing with its data being stored to the HDD (print and e-Filing,
print to e-Filing, etc.) cannot be performed. Perform normal
Error code Problem What to do