No. Option name Function, purpose.
Motor noise reduction
filter (for large capacity
model only)
Can be used to suppress the magnetic noise from motor.
Motor end surge
voltage suppression
(for 400 V models only)
In a system in which 400 V class general motor is driven by a voltage PWM type inverter
using a high-speed switching device (IGBT, etc.), surge voltage depending on cable constant
may cause deterioration in insulation of motor winding. Take measures against surge voltage
such as use of insulation-reinforced motor, installation of AC reactor, surge voltage
suppression filter, sine wave filter and so on in the inverter’s output side.
Note) Set the carrier frequency to 2.2kHz when sine wave filter is used.
Control power converter
For inverters of 22 kW or less models, it is needless to input control power to the terminal
(RO, SO) because those models are internally supplied with control voltage from the main
circuit power supply.
To use the main circuit power supply and control power supply separately for inverters of 22
kW or less models, use an optional control power supply unit. (Inverters of 30 kW or more
models have a built-in control power supply circuit respectively.)
Outward appearance of option unit
Outside dimensions of optional control power supply unit
(Model: CPS0011) *Common use for 200 V and 400 V models
Installation of optional control power supply unit (for 22 kW or less models)
For installing an optional control power supply unit, remove the jumper connector
(CN21) inside the inverter and connect the connector of the option to it.
Install the o
tional control
ower su
unit nearb
the inverte
Name plate
(Caution label)
Window for LED and
hole for cooling
If this unit is charged
LED inside this
window lights.
Connector (6 pole)
Connect to the
Cable (70 cm)
Unit: mm