DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem User Guide
If your ISP is Comcast or TIme Warner Cable (TWC), you can activate as follows:
1. Open a web browser. You should be automatically redirected to your service provider's
self-activation page. If not, go to www.comcast.com/activate for Comcast Xfinity or
www.timewarnercable.com for TWC.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate the modem. Make sure that you have your
account information ready.
If you are unable to activate your modem, call your ISP's customer service:
Comcast Xfinity: 1-800-934-6489
Time Warner Cable: 1-855-704-4503
Step 3: Test your Internet connection using a web browser and type in a valid URL (for example,
If the Internet is not accessible, contact your ISP and make sure that the modem is activated.
For advanced configuration, log into the modem's web interface at, and enter
admin (all lowercase) for both username and password when prompted.