mac address-table aging-time
The mac address-table aging-time command is used to configure aging time
for the dynamic address. To return to the default configuration, please use no
mac address-table aging-time command.
mac address-table aging-time aging-time
no mac address-table aging-time
aging-time —— The aging time for the dynamic address. The value of it can be
0 or ranges from 10 to 630 seconds. When 0 is entered, the Auto Aging function
is disabled. It is 300 by default.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Configure the aging time as 500 seconds:
TL-SG2424(config)# mac address-table aging-time 500
mac address-table filtering
The mac address-table filtering command is used to add the filtering address
entry. To delete the corresponding entry, please use no mac address-table
filtering command. The filtering address function is to forbid the undesired
package to be forwarded. The filtering address can be added or removed
manually, independent of the aging time.
mac address-table filtering mac-addr vid vid
no mac address-table filtering {[ mac-addr ] [ vid vid ]}
mac-addr —— The MAC address to be filtered.
vid —— The corresponding VLAN ID of the MAC address. It ranges from 1 to