Appendix C: Load Software Using FTP
If there is something wrong with the firmware of the switch and the switch cannot be launched, you
can load the software to the switch via FTP function. FTP (File Transfer Protocol), a protocol in the
application layer, is mainly used to transfer files between the remote server and the local PCs. It is
a common protocol used in the IP network for files transfer.
1. Hardware Installation
Figure C-1
1) Connect FTP server to port 1 of the switch.
2) Connect the Console port of the PC to the switch.
3) Save the firmware of the switch in the shared file of FTP server. Please write down the
user name, password and the firmware name.
2. Configure the Hyper Terminal
After the hardware installation, please take the following steps to configure the hyper terminal of
the management PC to manage the switch.
1) Select Start→All Programs→Accessories→Communications→Hyper Terminal to
open hyper terminal.