working day. By default, the period mode is disabled.
start-date —— The start date in Absoluteness Mode, in the format of
MM/DD/YYYY. By default, it is 01/01/2000.
end-date —— The end date in Absoluteness Mode, in the format of
MM/DD/YYYY. By default, it is 01/01/2000. The absoluteness mode will be
disabled if the start date and end date are both not configured.
holiday —— Configure whether the switch supplies power in the holiday or not.
By default, the holiday is exluded.
time-slice —— Create a time-slice, in the format of HH:MM-HH:MM.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Add a time-range named tSeg1, with time-slice1 from 8:30 to 12:00 at working
TP-LINK(config)# power time-segment tSeg1 week-day working-day
time-slice1 08:30-12:00
power holiday
The power holiday command is used to create holiday in Holiday Mode in the
power time-segment command. To delete the corresponding holiday, please
use no power holiday command.
power holiday {name} {start-date} {end-date}
no power holiday {name}
name —— The holiday name, ranging from 1 to 16 characters.
start-date —— The start date of the holiday, in the format of MM/DD, for
instance, 05/01.
end-date —— The end date of the holiday, in the format of MM/DD, for
instance, 05/03.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode