loop —— Enable/ Disable Loop Protect. By default, it is disabled. Loop Protect
is to prevent the loops in the network brought by recalculating STP because of
link failures and network congestions.
root —— Enable/ Disable Root Protect. By default, it is disabled. Root Protect is
to prevent wrong network topology change caused by the role change of the
current legal root bridge.
TC —— Enable/ Disable TC Protect. By default, it is disabled.
defend —— Enable/ Disable BPDU Protect. By default, it is disabled. BPDU
Protect is to prevent the edge port from being attacked by maliciously created
hold —— Enable/ Disable BPDU Filter. By default, it is disabled. BPDU Filter is
to prevent BPDUs flood in the STP network.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode(interface ethernet / interface range ethernet)
Enable Loop Protect, Root Protect, TC Protect, BPDU Protect, and BPDU Filter
for port 2:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# spanning-tree security loop enable root enable TC
enable defend enable hold enable
spanning-tree mcheck
The spanning-tree mcheck command is used to enable MCheck.
spanning-tree mcheck
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode(interface ethernet / interface range ethernet)
Enable MCheck for port 2:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# spanning-tree mcheck