Enable Instance 1, add VLAN 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 for it, and configure MSTI Priority as
TP-LINK(config)# spanning-tree msti 1 status enable pri 4096 mapped 2-5,8
spanning-tree msti
The spanning-tree msti command is used to configure MSTP Instance Port. To
return to the default configuration of the corresponding Instance Port, please
use no spanning-tree msti command. A port can play different roles in different
spanning tree instance. You can use this command to configure the parameters
of the ports in different instance IDs as well as view status of the ports in the
specified instance.
spanning-tree msti {id} [pri pri] [path path]
no spanning-tree msti {id}
id —— The desired instance ID for its port configuration, ranging from 1 to 8.
pri —— Port Priority, which must be multiple of 16 ranging from 0 to 240. By
default, it is 128. Port Priority is an important criterion on determining if the port
will be chosen as the root port by the device connected to this port.
path —— Path Cost, which is used to choose the path and calculate the path
costs of ports in an MST region. It is an important criterion on determining the
root port. The lower value has the higher priority.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode(interface ethernet / interface range ethernet)
Configure the priority of port 5 in instance 1 as 64, and Path Cost as 100:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 5
TP-LINK(config-if)# spanning-tree msti 1 pri 64 path 100