TL-WA7510N 5GHz 150Mbps Outdoor Wireless Access Point User Guide
WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access.
WPA2 - WPA version 2.
z Encryption - You can select either Automatic, or TKIP or AES.
z Radius Server IP - Enter the IP address of the Radius Server.
z Radius Port - Enter the port that radius service uses.
z Radius Password - Enter the password for the Radius Server.
z Group Key Update Period - Specify the group key update interval in seconds. The value can
be either 0 or at least 30. Enter 0 to disable the update.
z Version - You can select one of following versions:
Automatic - Select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK automatically based on the wireless station's
capability and request.
WPA-PSK - Pre-shared key of WPA
WPA2-PSK - Pre-shared key of WPA2
z Encryption - You can select either Automatic, or TKIP or AES.
z PSK Password - You can enter ASCII or Hexadecimal characters. For Hexadecimal, the
length should be between 8 and 64 characters; for ASCII, the length should be between 8 and
63 characters.
z Group Key Update Period - Specify the group key update interval in seconds. The value can
be either 0 or at least 30. Enter 0 to disable the update.
Be sure to click the Save button to save your settings on this page.
5.7.3 Wireless MAC Filtering
Choose menu “Wireless > MAC Filtering”, and then you can control the wireless access by
configuring the Wireless MAC Filtering function, as shown in Figure 5-31.