The display also provides over 20 reports
that are organized into four groupings:
Custom Report, Chiller Report,
Refrigerant Report, and Compressor
Report. Each report contains data that is
accessed by scrolling through the menu
Each grouping will have a heading which
describes the type of data in that
grouping. This data includes:
All water temperatures and setpoints
(as standard factory mounted
temperature sensors)
Current chiller operating mode
Diagnostic history
Control source (i.e. local panel, external
source, remote BAS)
Current limit setpoint
Water flows (optional)
Water pressure drops (optional)
Outdoor air temperature (optional)
Saturated refrigerant temperatures and
Purge suction temperature
Evaporator refrigerant liquid level
Condenser liquid refrigerant
Compressor starts and hours running
Phase currents
Phase voltages (optional)
Watts and power factor (optional)
Oil temperature and flow
Motor winding temperatures
Bearing temperatures (optional)
Refrigerant detection external to chiller
in ppm (optional)
All necessary settings and setpoints are
programmed into the microprocessor
controller via the keypad of the operator
interface. The controller is capable of
receiving signals from a variety of control
sources (which are not mutually
exclusive — i.e. any combination of
control sources can coexist
simultaneously) and of being
programmed at the keypad as to which
control source has priority. Control
sources can be:
The local operator interface (standard)
The remote operator interface
A 4-20 mA or 2-10 vdc signal from an
external source (interface optional)
(control source not supplied by chiller
(interface optional) (Tracer
supplied by Trane)
Process computer (interface optional)
(control source not supplied by chiller
Generic BAS (interface optional )
(control source not supplied by chiller
The control source with priority will then
determine the active setpoints via the
signal that is sent to the control panel.
Isolation Pads
Isolation pads are supplied with each
chiller for placement under
all support points. They are constructed
of molded neoprene.
Refrigerant and Oil Charge
A full charge of refrigerant and oil is
supplied with each unit. The oil ships in
the unit’s oil sump and the refrigerant
ships directly to the jobsite from
refrigerant suppliers.
Thermometer Wells and Sight
In addition to the thermowells provided
for use with the standard unit safety
controls, a well is provided for
measurement of the liquid refrigerant
condensing temperature and a coupling
for the evaporating temperatures. Sight
glasses are provided for monitoring oil
charge level, oil flow, compressor
rotation and purge condenser drum.
Factory applied insulation is available on
all units. All low temperature surfaces
are covered with
/4-inch Armaflex II or
equal (thermal conductivity = 0.28 Btu/hr-
), including the evaporator, waterboxes
and suction elbow. The economizer and
motor cooling lines are insulated with
/8” and
/2” insulation respectively.
Refrigerant Pumpout/
Reclaim Connections
Connections are factory provided as
standard to facilitate refrigerant reclaim/
removal required during maintenance or
overhaul in accordance with ANSI/
All painted CenTraVac surfaces are
coated with two coats of air-dry beige
primer-finisher prior to shipment.
Unit Mounted Starter Option
The unit mounted starter can either be a
star-delta or a solid-state starter in a
NEMA 1 type enclosure. The starter is
factory mounted and completely
prewired to the compressor motor and
the control panel. The CenTraVac chiller/
starter assembly is factory tested.
Starter is provided with a 3 KVA control
power transformer (120 volt secondary).
The starter door is designed to
accommodate a padlock.
Available options include:
Circuit Breaker — A standard
interrupting capacity circuit breaker is
available. The circuit breaker is
mechanically interlocked to disconnect
line power from starter when the
starter door is open.
High Interrupting Capacity Circuit
Breaker — High interrupting capacity
circuit breaker is available. This breaker
is also interlocked to disconnect line
power from the starter when the
starter door is open.
Circuit Breaker with Ground Fault —
Ground fault protection is available
with either standard or high
interrupting capacity circuit breakers.
An indicator light is provided to
indicate if ground fault has occurred.
Current Limiting Circuit Breaker — A
standard circuit breaker incorporating
three current limiters with fuse links is
available. A fault current in excess of
the circuit breaker capacity will blow
the fuse links and interrupt the fault
current. The circuit breaker cannot be
reset until the blown current limiters
are replaced.