Table PD-2 — Gross System Capacity Data — 80-120 Ton Condensing Unit with Evaporator Chiller
Condensing Leaving Outside Ambient Temperature Entering Condenser (F)
Unit-Nominal Chilled 85 95 105 115
Tons Model Water Temp. Tons Kw Tons Kw Tons Kw Tons Kw
RAUC C80 40 65.1 73.9 61.8 81.9 58.3 90.9 54.6 100.9
With 42 67.5 74.7 64.1 82.7 60.5 91.8 56.7 101.8
60 Ton 45 71.3 75.8 67.7 84.0 63.9 93.1 59.8 103.2
Chiller 48 75.1 77.0 71.3 85.2 67.3 94.4 63.1 104.6
50 77.7 77.8 73.8 86.1 69.6 95.3 65.3 105.6
RAUC C80 40 70.5 75.6 66.8 83.7 62.9 92.7 58.8 102.8
With 42 73.1 76.4 69.3 84.5 65.3 93.6 61.0 103.7
80 80 Ton 45 77.1 77.6 73.1 85.8 68.8 95.0 64.4 105.2
Chiller 48 81.2 78.9 77.0 87.2 72.5 96.4 67.9 106.6
50 84.0 79.7 79.6 88.1 75.0 97.4 70.2 107.6
RAUC C80 40 71.4 75.9 67.7 84.0 63.7 93.1 59.5 103.1
With 42 74.1 76.7 70.2 84.9 66.1 94.0 61.8 104.0
10 0 Ton 45 78.2 77.9 74.1 86.2 69.7 95.4 65.2 105.5
Chiller 48 82.4 79.2 78.0 87.5 73.5 96.8 68.7 107.0
50 85.2 80.1 80.7 88.5 76.0 97.8 71.1 108.0
RAUC D10 40 87.1 96.4 82.6 106.6 77.8 118.0 72.7 130.6
With 42 90.3 97.5 85.6 107.7 80.6 119.1 75.4 131.8
80 Ton 45 95.2 99.1 90.3 109.4 85.0 121.0 79.6 133.7
Chiller 48 100.2 100.8 95.0 111.2 89.6 122.8 83.8 135.6
50 103.7 101.9 98.3 112.4 92.6 124.1 86.7 136.9
RAUC D10 40 88.6 96.9 83.9 107.1 79.0 119.7 73.9 131.1
With 42 91.9 98.0 87.1 108.2 73.9 118.5 76.6 132.4
10 0 10 0 Ton 45 96.9 99.7 91.8 110.0 86.5 121.6 80.9 134.3
Chiller 48 102.1 101.4 96.7 111.8 91.1 123.5 85.2 136.3
50 105.6 102.6 100.0 113.1 94.3 124.7 88.2 137.6
RAUC D10 40 89.4 97.2 84.7 107.4 79.7 118.8 74.5 131.4
With 42 92.7 98.3 87.9 108.5 82.7 120.0 77.3 132.7
120 Ton 45 97.9 100.0 92.7 110.4 87.3 121.9 81.6 134.6
Chiller 48 103.1 101.8 97.7 112.2 92.0 123.8 86.0 136.6
50 106.7 102.9 101.1 113.5 95.2 125.1 89.1 138.0
RAUC D12 40 102.8 114.5 97.4 126.9 91.7 140.8 85.7 156.1
With 42 106.5 115.7 101.0 128.2 95.1 142.1 88.9 157.5
10 0 Ton 45 112.3 117.6 106.4 130.2 10 0.3 144.2 93.8 159.7
Chiller 48 118.2 119.4 112.0 132.2 105.6 146.3 98.8 161.9
120 50 122.2 120.7 115.9 133.5 109.2 147.8 102.1 163.4
RAUC D12 40 104.1 114.9 98.6 127.3 92.9 141.2 86.8 156.6
With 42 108.0 116.2 102.3 128.7 96.3 142.6 90.0 158.0
120 Ton 45 113.9 118.1 107.9 130.7 101.6 144.7 95.0 160.3
Chiller 48 120.0 120.0 113.7 132.7 107.1 146.9 100.1 162.5
50 124.1 121.3 117.6 134.1 110.8 148.4 103.6 164.1
GPM = Gallons Per Minute
PD = Pressure Drop (Feet of Water)
— All capacites are at 10°F Delta water temp. Kw is
total of all compressors, but does not include
condenser fan, water pump and control power.
— 25’ line loss is included.
Table PD-3 – Evapo rator Chiller Water Pressure Drop
20 Ton 25 Ton 30 Ton 40 Ton 50 Ton
25.0 3.8 30.0 3.7 35.0 2.1 50.0 4.1 60.0 4.0
30.0 5.4 35.0 5.0 40.0 2.7 60.0 5.8 70.0 5.4
35.0 7.2 40.0 6.4 45.0 3.4 70.0 7.7 80.0 6.9
40.0 9.2 45.0 7.9 50.0 4.1 80.0 9.9 90.0 8.6
45.0 11.5 50.0 9.6 60.0 5.8 90.0 12.3 100.0 10.4
50.0 14.0 60.0 13.5 70.0 7.7 100.0 15.0 120.0 14.7
60.0 19.6 70.0 18.1 80.0 9.9 120.0 21.1 140.0 19.6
70.0 26.1 80.0 23.2 90.0 12.3 140.0 28.1 160.0 25.1
60 Ton 80 Ton 10 0 Ton 120 Ton
80.0 5.6 100.0 4.5 120.0 3.2 140.0 3.2
90.0 7.0 120.0 6.5 140.0 4.3 160.0 4.1
100.0 8.5 140.0 8.7 160.0 5.6 180.0 5.2
120.0 12.0 160.0 11.2 180.0 7.0 200.0 6.3
140.0 15.9 180.0 14.1 200.0 8.5 240.0 9.0
160.0 20.5 200.0 17.2 240.0 12.2 280.0 12.0
180.0 25.5 240.0 24.8 280.0 16.3 320.0 15.8
200.0 31.0 – – 320.0 21.0 360.0 19.7
– – – – 360.0 26.0 400.0 24.0
80 - 120 Tons