Your TRX 3.3 Racing Engine is broken in, the fuel mixture is balanced,
and the idle is set…now it’s time to have some fun! This section
contains instructions on making adjustments to your Nitro 4-Tec. Before
you go on, here are some important precautions to keep in mind.
Don’t run your Nitro 4-Tec in water, mud, snow, or wet grass.
Water and mud are easily drawn through the air filter and will
severely damage the engine. Small amounts of moisture can cause
electronics to fail and loss of control over your Nitro 4-Tec.
The TRX 3.3 Racing Engine is extremely powerful. Remember to
apply the throttle gradually to prevent spin-outs or loss of control.
Don’t hold the Nitro 4-Tec off the ground and rev the engine
excessively with no load on the engine. This practice could result in
internal engine damage.
Avoid excessive high-speed running for extended periods of time
or over long distances. This could cause the engine to build up
enough speed to exceed maximum safe RPM limits.
Don’t drive your Nitro 4-Tec with drive train damage of any kind.
The engine could be damaged due to overloads on the engine
caused by drivetrain friction, or over-revving caused by loose or
missing parts.
Don’t tow anything with your Nitro 4-Tec. The engine is cooled
by airflow created by speed. Towing creates a high load on the
engine, and at the same time limits cooling of the engine due to
low vehicle speed.
If your Nitro 4-Tec gets stuck, stop driving immediately. Move the
vehicle and then continue driving.
Never turn off the radio system while the engine is running. The
model could run out of control.
WARNING! NOT A TOY! Read carefully! This product
is capable of extreme speed and acceleration! It is
intended for expert drivers only. Experience with
nitro-powered radio controlled models is required.
The driver must exercise all caution and accept full responsibility
for their own safety, and the safety of others nearby. Full-speed
operation requires a large, smooth running area free of obstacles
and closed off to pedestrian and automobile traffic. This product is
not designed for children under 16. Responsible adult supervision is
required during operation and maintenance. For outdoor use only.
Nitro 4-Tec 3.3 is very fast and carries our highest skill level rating
of 5 (Expert. For experienced drivers only!). Prior experience with
R/C models is required. Nitro 4-Tec 3.3 is a high-performance model
which is NOT intended for use on public roads or in congested
areas where its operation may conflict with or disrupt pedestrian or
vehicular traffic. Read all enclosed information before operating. Fully
illustrated, step-by-step instructions describe adjustment and required
maintenance procedures. Nitro 4-Tec 3.3 should not be operated
in a crowd, indoors or without adequate space and ventilation. The
vehicle is fully assembled, ready-to-run, and requires the following
items for operation: 8 AA alkaline batteries, model car fuel, a 7.2
volt rechargeable battery pack (included), and a charger (included).
These items are available from your hobby dealer. In an effort to
continually upgrade our products, Traxxas reserves the right to make
improvements and modifications to this model, which may not be
reflected in the photographs and specifications printed in this manual.
Before running your Nitro 4-Tec 3.3, look over this entire manual and
examine the model carefully. If for some reason you decide Nitro 4-Tec
3.3 is not what you wanted, then do not continue any further. Your
hobby dealer absolutely cannot accept a Nitro 4-Tec 3.3 for return or
exchange after it has been run.