Using the TQ-3 Radio System
The TQ-3 Radio System was pre-adjusted at the factory. The adjustment
should be checked before running the model, in case of movement
during shipping. Here’s how:
1. Fully extend the chrome antenna mast on the transmitter and turn
the switch on. The red indicator light on the transmitter should be
solid red (not flashing).
2. Turn on the receiver switch in the model. The switch is located in the
top of the radio compartment. The function light on the OptiDrive
ESM should be green. A red flashing LED indicates low voltage in the
RX Power Pack. The sensor LED is intermittent depending on the
rotor position.
3. Position Revo so that its front wheels are off the ground.
4. Turn the steering wheel on the transmitter back and forth and check
for rapid operation of the steering servo. Also, check that the steering
mechanism is not loose or binding. If the steering operates slowly,
then check the receiver pack to make sure it is fully charged.
5. When looking down at model, the front wheels should be pointing
straight ahead. If the wheels are turned slightly to the left or right,
slowly adjust the steering trim control on the transmitter until they
are pointing straight ahead.
6. Operate the throttle trigger on the transmitter and check for rapid
operation of the throttle servo. When the throttle trigger is pulled
back, the carburetor should open (slide moves out). When the
throttle trigger is pushed all the way forward, the brake should lock.
7. Operate the shift button on the transmitter and check for rapid
operation of the shifting servo. Push the shift button down for
forward. The servo will operate the spring-loaded shift mechanism
and you will hear the transmission click into forward. Push the shift
button up for reverse and you will again hear the transmission click
and shift into gear.
8. Once adjustments are made, turn off the receiver on your Revo,
followed by the hand-held transmitter.
Range-Testing the TQ-3 Radio System
Before each running session with your Revo, you should range-test your
radio system to ensure that it operates properly.
1. Turn on the radio system and check its operation as described in the
previous section (Using the TQ-3 Radio System).
2. Have a friend hold the model with the engine off.
3. Make sure your transmitter antenna is fully extended, and then walk
away from the model with the transmitter until you reach the farthest
distance you plan to operate the model.
4. Operate the controls on the transmitter once again to be sure that
the model responds correctly.
5. Do not attempt to operate the model if there is any problem with the
radio system or any external interference with your radio signal at
your location.
Revo 3.3
The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System
When the engine is running,
don’t use the throttle trim on
the transmitter to adjust the
engine idle speed. Instead,
use the idle speed adjustment
on the carburetor.
Don’t attempt to operate
your Revo if there are any
problems with your radio
system or radio interference
at your location.