Carrot is one of the best vegetables for high nutrition and has a great taste which is a favorable juice to
erent vegetable
when they are mixed. Carrots contain high pro-vitamin A and carotene. However, consuming 2 carrots
has enough of 4 times of RDA for Vitamin A.
Non chemically treated carrots are good enough for cleaning with running water and
chemical treated carrots must be cleaned with soap.
2. Please cut the carrot into the right size to
3. Insert the prepared carrots into the appliance
and reinsert the extracted carrot juice into the
appliance to make it decrease the amount
of residue in the
appliance, it also
makes the juice clear
and fresher.
Appropriateness of fruits temperature.
Carrot juice has a high vitamin-A content which prevents skin aging and also makes eyesight better
ber which is great for diet. One carrot juice
per day can normalize the body as well as decrease the chance of getting lung cancer. Carrot juice is
one the best drinks for a woman skin.
Carrot Juice
Well-being prescription
Apple 41 F Tomato 53.6-55.4 F Grape 39.2-41 F
Orange 33.8-41 F Carrots 33.8-41 F Peach 46.4-55.4 F
Carrot is one of the best vegetables for high nutrition and has a great taste which makes
it a favorable juice to many people. Carrots have a special sweet taste which can cover the
A and carotene. Consuming 2 carrots has enough of 4 times of RDA for Vitamin A.
1. Non-chemically treated carrots may be cleaned simply with running
water, but chemically treated carrots should be cleaned well using
food safe soap.
3. Insert the prepared carrots into the appli-
ance and reinsert the extracted carrot juice
into the appliance to decrease the amount
of residue in the appliance.
This also make the juice
clearer and fresher.
Recipe for Juice
Based on Material’s density, boundary layer might be seen.
Based on Material’s freshness and amount of moisture, juice extraction results may vary.
A tomato is a typical vegetable juice which itself is a very refreshing juice. Lycopene is a red pigment
which is an antioxidant that causes the inhibition of cell aging and also the sour taste will boost up the
erent tomatoes such as yellow tomatoes or green
1. For organic tomato, just rinse them with running water.
2. Insert the tomatoes into the appliance
when they are prepared.
ectively prevents cancer, stroke, and heart disease. The
tomato acid is great for recovering fatigue and also for relieving queasiness.
(Cherry tomatoes has a higher nutrition and higher density with high calories which people use often for
ingredients of juice)
Tomato Juice
Well-being prescription
t#BTFEPOUIFfood’s freshness and amount of moisture, juice extraction results may vary.
Tomato Juice is a refreshing and nutritious juice that is typically consumed all-year round.
Lycopene is a red pigment antioxidant that causes the inhibition of cell aging and also the
tomatoes such as yellow tomatoes or green tomatoes.
disease. The tomato acid is great for recovering fatigue and also for relieving queasiness.
1. If juicing organic tomatoes, just rinse them with
running water.
2. Feed the tomatoes into the appliance after
they are sliced into quarters.
Recipes for juice