
DIP SWITCH GROUP B (Available on Select Models)
Using a small tool, set the “Load Sharing” Configuration DIP Switches, #1 and #2 of Group B
(located on the front panel of your APS; see Diagram 1, p. 36). DIP Switch #3, Group B should
be kept in the “UP” position when you are not equalizing your batteries' charges. DIP Switch #4,
Group B has no function.
Load Sharing
(DIP Switches #1, Group B & #2, Group B)
Your APS features a high-output battery charger that can draw a significant amount of power
from your line power source when charging at its maximum rate. If an APS is supplying its
full AC power rating to its connected load at the same time as it is charging, it could trip its
line source circuit breaker. Tripping this breaker will cut off AC power to your load and stop
battery charging.
To reduce the chance of tripping this breaker, select APS models may be set to automatically
limit their charger output to keep the sum of their AC load and charger power within their circuit
breakers’ rating.
This charger limiting function has four settings, allowing you to choose less charger limiting
for APS configurations with higher rated breakers. The figures below show how to set your
DIP Switches to select how heavy a load can be placed on your APS before charger limiting begins.
Battery Charger Limiting Points
MOST LIMITING (#1 & #2 Up*): Charger limiting takes effect the
moment any load is applied; charger output falls gradually from full
output at no load to no output at full load.
LESS LIMITING (#1 Down & #2 Up): Charger limiting begins
when the APS’s load reaches 33% of the APS’s load rating. Charger
output falls gradually from full output at 33% of the APS’s load rating
to about 40% of full output at full load
LEAST LIMITING (#1 Up & #2 Down): Charger limiting begins at
when the APS’s load reaches 66% of the APS’s load rating. Charger
output falls gradually from full output at 66% of the APS’s load rating
to about 40% of full output at full load.
NO LIMITING (#1 & #2 Down): No charger limiting occurs at any
load size.
* Factory default setting.
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