
77.. DDCC PPoowweerr TTeerrmmiinnaallss::
These terminals should be wired to your battery terminals. See
“Battery Connection”, p. 7 for instructions.
88.. AACC IInnppuutt LLiinnee CCoorrdd:: NNEEMMAA 55--1155PP ffiixxeedd::
This cord should be plugged into a 120V, 60 Hz,
dedicated 15 Amp AC utility outlet. DO NOT plug the cord into the APS’s AC receptacles.
99.. AACC RReecceeppttaacclleess:: NNEEMMAA 55--1155RR::
These receptacles allow you to connect equipment that
would normally be plugged into a utility outlet.
1100.. RReesseettttaabbllee CCiirrccuuiitt BBrreeaakkeerrss::
These circuit breakers protect your APS against damage
due to input or output overload.The Input (Charge) Breaker helps protect the charge
input only. The Output (Load) Breaker helps prevent output overload. If a circuit
breaker trips, wait 1 minute to allow components to cool before resetting it. If the
Output Breaker trips, remove overload by plugging in equipment with a lower total
wattage draw before resetting.
1111.. RReemmoottee MMoodduullee CCoonnnneeccttoorr::
The front panel has an RJ45 receptacle for use with the
optional remote module.See the installation instructions packed with the remote module.
1122.. MMoouunnttiinngg FFllaannggeess::
Use mounting flanges (located on the front of unit) and mounting
slots (located on the bottom rear of the unit) to permanently mount your APS. Mount
to a sturdy, horizontal surface using user-supplied screws.
Switches, Indicator Lights & Other Features
Other Features
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