4. OSD (On-Screen Display) Operation continued
4.4 OSD Navigation
To close the menu and deactivate OSD, click the • [X] at the upper right corner of the
To logout, press • [F8], or click F8,ontheOSDMenuBarorclickthe
symbol at the
upper right hand corner of the OSD Screen.
Tomoveupordownonelineatatime,clicktheUpandDownTrianglesymbols(• )
the screen will scroll.
Tomoveupordownonescreenatatime,clicktheUpandDownArrowsymbols(• ),
or use the [Pg Up] and [Pg Dn]keys.Iftherearemoreentriesthanappearonthescreen,
the screen will scroll.
Toactivateaport,double-clickit,ormovetheHighlightBartoitthenpress• [Enter].
1. The diagram depicts the Administrator’s Main Screen. The User Main Screen does not have the F4 and F6
functions, since they can’t be accessed by ordinary Users and are reserved for the Administrator.
2. OSD always starts in List view, with the highlight bar at the same position it was when it was last closed.
3. Only the ports that have been set accessible by the Administrator for the currently logged in User are visible.
4. If the port list is collapsed into stations, simply click on the plus sign next to the desired station number, or
highlight the desired station number and hit the [Enter] key.
4.3 OSD Invocation Sequence
OSD Main Menu; [Scroll Lock, Scroll Lock] or [Ctrl, Ctrl]. The default OSD invocation
sequenceis[Scroll Lock, Scroll Lock]. Note: When using the [Scroll Lock, Scroll Lock]
OSD invocation sequence, you must hold down the [Fn] key, as the [Scroll Lock] key is part
of the [Num Lock] key.