
Super Administrator Setup
NIC Settings
The B064-Series KVM Switch is designed with two network
interfaces. The NIC Setting section of the Network tab allows you
to assign a single IP Address and DNS Server for both network
interfaces, or to assign a separate address for each.
Redundant NIC
If Redundant NIC is enabled (the default), both interfaces use the IP
address assigned to Network Adapter 1. Under this configuration, the
B064-Series KVM Switch will switch to the second network interface
in the event there is a crash on the first network interface.
• IfyouselectRedundantNIC,theNetwork Interface drop-down
menu will be frozen to Network Adapter 1, and you will only have
to enter IP Address and DNS Server settings once.
• IfyoudonotselectRedundantNIC,youwillhavetoenterIP
Address and DNS Server settings for both Network Adapter 1 and
Network Adapter 2. User the Network Interface drop-down menu to
select the Network Adapter you want to configure.
IP Address
The B064-Series KVM Switch can either have its IP address assigned
dynamically (DHCP), or it can be given a fixed IP address.
• FordynamicIPaddressassignment,selecttheObtain IP address
automatically option
• ToassignanIPaddressyourself,selecttheSet IP address manually
option and fill in an IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway
appropriate for you network
DNS Server
As with the IP Address, you have the option of having the DNS Server
set automatically or setting it yourself.
• ForautomaticDNSServeraddressassignment,selecttheObtain
DNS Server address automatically option
• TospecifytheDNSServeraddressmanually,selecttheSet
DNS server address manually option, and enter in Preferred and
Alternate DNS servers that are appropriate for your network
Note: If you choose to enter the DNS Server manually, it is required
that you specify the preferred DNS Server address. The alternate
DNS Server address is optional.
See pages 41-42 for more information on the settings in the Network
tab of the Device Management section.
IP Installer
For computers running Windows, an IP address can be assigned with
the IP Installer utility:
1. Obtain the IP Installer file from the CD that came with the B064-
Series KVM Switch and save it to a desired location on a computer
that is on the same network as your B064-Series KVM Switch.
2. Go to the IP Installer file that you just saved and run the IPInstaller.
exe file. A dialog box similar to the one below appears:
3. Select the B064-Series KVM Switch in the Device List.
Note: If the list is empty, or your device doesn’t appear, click
Enumerate to refresh the Device List. If there is more than one device
in the list, use the MAC address to pick the one you want. The B064-
Series KVM Switches MAC address is located on its bottom panel.
4. From here you can choose to Obtain an IP address automatically
(DHCP), or Specify an IP address. If you choose to assign your
own address, fill in the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway
fields with information appropriate to your network.
5. Click Set IP.
6. After the IP address shows up in the Device List, click Exit.
1. On a computer/server that is on the same network as your B064-
Series KVM Switch, set the computer/server’s IP address to
192.168.0.XXX, where XXX represents any number or numbers
except 60. ( is the default address of the B064-Series
KVM Switch.)
2. Access the B064-Series KVM switch using the URL
3. Assign a fixed IP address for the B064-Series KVM Switch using
the same instructions as described in the Local Console section of
this chapter.
4. After you log out, reset your computer’s IP address to its original