ance by bal anc ing it on a round shaft screw driver.
Re move metal from the heavy side un til it bal ances
Be fore re as sem bling the blade and the blade adapter to
the unit, lu bri cate the en gine crank shaft and the in ner
sur face of the blade adapter with light oil. In stall the
blade adapter on the crank shaft with the “star” away
from the en gine. Re fer to Fig ure 13. Place the blade
with the side marked bot tom (or with part num ber) fac -
ing away from the adapter. Align the blade bell sup port
over the blade with the tabs in the holes of the blade
and in sert the hex bolt. Tighten the hex bolt to the
torque listed be low:
Blade Mounting Torque
Cen ter Bolt 450 in. lb. min., 600 in.lb. max.
To in sure safe op er a tion of your unit, ALL nuts and bolts
must be checked pe ri od i cally for cor rect tight ness.
CAUTION: Cutting grass in sandy soil
condition causes abrasive wear to the blade.
Af ter pro longed use, es pe cially in sandy soil con di -
tions, the blade will be come worn and lose some of
the orig i nal shape. Cut ting ef fi ciently will be re duced
and the blade should be re placed. Re place with an
ap proved fac tory re place ment blade only. Pos si ble
dam age re sult ing from blade un bal ance con di tion is
not the re spon si bil ity of the man u fac turer.
The un der side of the mower deck should be cleaned
af ter each use to pre vent a buildup of grass clip pings,
leaves, dirt or other mat ter. If this de bris is al lowed to
ac cu mu late, it will in vite rust and cor ro sion, and may
pre vent proper mulch ing.
The deck may be cleaned by tilt ing the mower and
scrap ing clean with a suit able tool (make cer tain the
spark plug wire is dis con nected).
NOTE: We do not rec om mend the use of pres -
sure wash ers or gar den hose to clean your unit.
These may cause dam age to elec tric com po -
nents, spin dles, pul leys, bear ings, or the en gine.
The use of wa ter will re sult in short ened life and
re duce ser vice abil ity.
Re fer to the sep a rate en gine man ual for en gine
maintenance in struc tions.
Main tain en gine oil as in structed in the sep a rate en gine
man ual packed with your unit. Read and fol low in struc -
tions care fully.
Un der nor mal con di tions ser vice air cleaner as in -
structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed with
your unit. Clean ev ery few hours un der ex tremely dusty
con di tions. Poor en gine per for mance and flood ing usu -
ally in di cates that the air cleaner should be ser viced.
The spark plug should be cleaned and the gap re set
once a sea son. Spark plug re place ment is rec om -
mended at the start of each mow ing sea son; check
en gine man ual for cor rect plug type and gap
spec i fi ca tions.
NOTE: This spark ig ni tion sys tem meets all re quire -
ments of the Ca na dian In ter fer ence-Caus ing
Equip ment Reg u la tions.
Clean the en gine reg u larly with a cloth or brush. Keep
the cool ing sys tem (blower hous ing area) clean to per mit
proper air cir cu la tion which is es sen tial to en gine per for -
mance and life. Be cer tain to re move all grass, dirt and
com bus ti ble de bris from muf fler area.
Rear Flap Replacement
The rear flap is at tached to the back of the mower deck,
and is de signed to min i mize the pos si bil ity that ob jects
will be thrown from the rear of the mower to ward the op -
er a tor. If the rear flap be comes dam aged, re place as
fol lows.
To re move the old rear flap, cut off the flat end of the
wire rod which se cures it to the deck us ing a pair of
side-cut ters. At tach the new rear flap us ing the new rod
pro vided with the rear flap, bend ing the ends of the rod
over to se cure.
The fol low ing steps should be taken to pre pare lawn
mower for stor age.
• Clean and lu bri cate mower thor oughly as de scribed in
the lu bri ca tion in struc tions.
• Re fer to en gine man ual for cor rect en gine stor age in -
struc tions.
• Coat mower’s cut ting blade with chas sis grease to
pre vent rust ing.
• Store mower in a dry, clean area.
NOTE: When stor ing any type of power equip -
ment in an un ven ti lated or metal stor age shed,
care should be taken to rust-proof the equip ment.
Using a light oil or sil i cone, coat the equip ment,
es pe cially ca bles and all mov ing parts.
CAU TION: Never fold or un fold han dle
with out dis con nect ing spark plug.
NOTE: Be care ful not to bend of kink ca bles.
Fig ure 13
Blade Adapter
Hex Bolt
Blade Bell
Sup port