7. Chokeor primethe engineas instructed
in the separateEngine Owner'sManual.
8. Checkbehind you to avoid contacting
any obstacles when pulling the starter
rope. Placeone hand on the fuel tank to
stabilize the unit and usethe recoil starter
to start the engine asinstructed in the En-
gine Owner's Manual.Whenthe engine
starts, graduallymovethe chokelever (on
enginesso equipped)to the NO CHOKE,
CHOKEOFFor RUNposition, whicheverap-
9. Usethe FASTthrottle speed setting
when tilling.
1. Tostop thewheelsandtines, releasethe
Forward Clutchlevers or the Reverse
Clutch Control (whichever control is in
2. Tostop the engine, move the Engine
Throttle Lever into the STOPposition.
_ ARNING: Beforetilling,
contact yourtelephone and
utilities company to inquire if
underground linesare on your
Thefollowing pagesprovide guidelines to
using your tiller effectively and safelyin
various gardening applications. Besureto
read Tilling Tips & Techniquesin this Sec-
tion beforeyou actuallyput the tines into
the soil.
1. Followthe Pre-Start Checkl/ston the
previous page.Besure thatthe Wheel Gear
Lever is in the ENGAGEposition.
2. Movethe DepthRegulatorLeverintothe
"travel" position (leverall the way down)
so that the tines clearthe ground. Usethis
position when practicingwith or transport-
ing the tiller. Whenyou are readyto begin
tilling, movethe Depth RegulatorLever
into the desired depthsetting (see Tilting
Tips & Techniques).
3. Startthe engineandallow itto warm up.
Whenwarm, movethe throttle control into
the FASTspeedsetting.
4. For forward motion ofthe wheels and
power to the tines:
(a) Pull up and hold the Forward Clutch
leversagainstthe handlebars.Tostop
the wheelsand tines, releaseboth le-
ve rs.
WARNING: Donot push
down onthe handlebarsto try
to makethe tiller till more
deeply.This preventsthe
wheelsfrom holding the tiller
backand canallow the tines to
rapidly propelthe tiller
backwardtoward the operator,
which could resultin loss of
control, property damage,or
personal injury.
(b) Asthe tiller movesforward, relaxand
let thewheelspull theunit along while
the tines dig. Walk behind and a little
to oneside of the tiller. Usealight but
securegrip with one handon thehan-
dlebars,but keepyour arm loose. See
Figure 4-2. Letthe tiller move ahead
at its own pace.Do not push down on
the handlebarsto try and force the
tiller to dig deeper- this takes weight
off the wheels, reducestraction, and
causesthe tines to try andpropel the
5. For reverse motion of the wheelsand
(a) Look behind and exercisecaution
when operatingin reverse.Donot till
while in reverse.
(b) Stop all forward motion before re-
versing. Lift the handlebars with one
hand untilthe tines areoff the ground
andthen pull the ReverseClutch con-
trol out (seeFigure 4-3). Tostop re-
verse motion, let go of the Reverse
Clutch Control.
6. Toturn thetiller around:
(a) Practice turning in a level,openarea.
Bevery carefulto keepyour feet and
legs away from the tines.
(b) To start aturn, reducethe engine
speedandthen lift the handlebars un-
til the engine and tines are balanced
over the wheels (Figure4-4).
(c) With the tiller balanced,push side-
ways onthe handlebarto move the
tiller in the direction of the turn (Fig-
ure 4-5). After completing the turn,
slowly lower the tines into the soil
and increasethe enginespeed.
Figure4-2: Useonehandtoguidetillerwhen
Figure4-3: Raisetinesoffgroundandlookbe-
Figure 4-4: Findbalancepoint before turning.
Figure 4-5