• Re lease the blade con trol han dle to stop the
en gine and blade.
WARNING: The blade con tin ues to
ro tate for a few sec onds af ter the
en gine is shut off.
• Dis con nect the spark plug wire and ground it
against the en gine as in structed in the sep a -
rate en gine man ual to pre vent ac ci den tal
start ing while equip ment is un at tended.
Be sure that lawn is clear of stones, sticks,
wire, or other ob jects which could dam age
lawn mower or en gine. Such ob jects could
be ac ci den tally thrown by the mower in any
di rec tion and cause se ri ous per sonal in jury to
the op er a tor and oth ers.
For the best re sults, do not cut wet grass be -
cause it tends to stick to the un der side of the
mower, pre vent ing proper mulch ing of grass
clip pings. In ad di tion, wet grass could cause
you to slip and fall. New grass, thick grass or
wet grass may re quire a nar rower cut.
For best re sults, cut off one-third or less of
the to tal length of the grass. Lawn should be
cut in the fall as long as there is growth.
The mower is de signed to be op er ated at full
throt tle to give you the best cut and do the
most ef fec tive job of mulch ing.
WARNING: If you strike a for eign
ob ject, stop the en gine. Re move
wire from spark plug, thor oughly in -
spect the mower for any dam age,
and re pair the dam age be fore re -
start ing and op er at ing the mower.
Ex ten sive vi bra tion of the mower
dur ing op er a tion is an in di ca tion of
dam age. The unit should be
promptly in spected and re paired.
This mower can bag grass clip pings. Fol low
steps 1 through 3 to ready the mower for
bag ging.
1. Re move wing nuts hold ing mulch ing baf fle
(see Fig ure 10) or side dis charge chute
(see Fig ure 14) in place. Then re move
baf fle or dis charge chute.
2, Re place with bag ging adapter (see Fig ure
11). At tach us ing wing nuts. Be sure that
in ner lip of at tach ment goes un der the
edge of the deck.
3. Lift flap and slide bag onto adapter. See
Fig ure 12.
Lift grassbag from the bag ging adapter us ing
the lower han dle. While hold ing the lower
han dle lift up the rear sec tion of the
grassbag. The bag will open and the grass
clip pings will fall out. See Fig ure 13. When
re plac ing your grassbag be sure the top of
the bag rests on the wire sup port be tween
the han dles.
Figure 10
Wing Nuts
Fig ure 12
Fig ure 11
Bagging Adapter