se c t i O n 5— Op e r a t i O n
Executing a Zero Turn
When executing a zero turn, the tractor
tractor is moving can significantly reduce your
control of the tractor and will cause severe turf
defacement to occur.
Stop the forward or reverse motion of the tractor by
moving the two drive control levers to neutral.
To turn clockwise, move the left control lever forward while 2.
simultaneously moving the right control lever rearward.
To turn counterclockwise, move the right control lever 3.
forward while simultaneously moving the left control lever
Stopping the Tractor
Move both drive control levers to the neutral position to
stop the motion of the tractor.
Use the deck lift handle to raise the deck to its highest 3.
If dismounting the tractor, move the drive control handles
fully outward in the neutral position, engage the parking
brake, move the throttle/choke control lever to the fast
key from the switch.
Do not leave the seat of the tractor
levers fully outward in the neutral position, and
engaging the parking brake. If leaving the tractor
unattended, turn the ignition key off and remove
Driving On Slopes
determine slopes where you may not operate safely.
Do not operate on inclines with a slope
cause serious injury.
Always drive across slopes, never up and down. Control
the speed and direction of the tractor using primarily the
control lever on the downhill side of the tractor, with the
uphill control lever remaining essentially in a fixed position.
Avoid turning downhill if possible. Start at the bottom of a 2.
slope and work upward. Always slow down before turning.
Use extra care and go slowly when turning downhill.3.
Operating The PTO
Move the throttle/choke control lever to approximately the
mid throttle position.
Advance the throttle/choke lever to the operating speed 3.
(full engine speed).
The operator must remain in the tractor seat at all times. If
the operator should leave the seat without turning off the
when both drive control levers are moved to the reverse
position, and will re-engage when one (or both) control
lever(s) is moved to the neutral or forward position.