Quick Start Guide
TCS series
TCS series Quickstart Guide v1.0 - Page - 6
FB-1061 Flybar
The FB-1061 is a fabricated steel frame consisting of welded box sections with front
and rear cabinet attachment points and a central spine offering a total of nine pick
up points to allow a range of cluster angles.
The FB-1061 flybar enables the creation of an array of up to cabinets up to 16 deep.
Setting the angle between cabinets
Precise adjustment of inter-cabinet angle is achieved by selecting one of nine possible engagement positions of the rear
flyplates, giving a range of angles between 0° and 16° in 2° increments.
Rigging an Array of up to 16 cabinets with the FB-1061 flybar
1. Select a suitable pick up point on the flying grid, and choose the inter-cabinet angles to achieve the desired
array angle.
2. Attach the external rigging or motor to the chosen pick up point on the central spine of the flying grid, using a
shackle rated at one tonne or greater. The shackle eyes must be at least 26mm apart to fit correctly onto the
3. It is suggested to pre-assemble the cabinets in modules of two or three units, setting the pre-determined inter-
cabinet angle as you go. Then attach the first module to the flying grid, and raise the array to allow a second
module to be attached underneath. Repeat for the remaining modules, and raise the array into position using
appropriate lifting equipment.
4. When attaching to static array positions the suggested method is to pre-assemble the entire array including
the flying grid, and lift it into position using appropriate lifting equipment.