Starting Setup
The BIOS is immediately activated when you turn on the
computer. The BIOS reads system configuration in CMOS
RAM and begins the process of checking the system and
configuring it through the Power-On-Self-Test (POST).
When the preliminary tests are complete, the BIOS searches
for an operating system on one of the system’s data storage
devices (hard drive, CD-ROM, etc). If an operating system is
found, the BIOS will launch that operating system and hand
over control to it. You can enter the BIOS setup by pressing
the [Delete] key when the machine boots up and begins to
show the memory count.
Setup Basics
The table below shows how to navigate the setup program
using the keyboard.
Getting Help
Pressing [F1] will display a small help window that describes
the appropriate keys to use and the possible selections for
the highlighted item. To exit the Help Window, press [ESC] or
the [F1] key again.
Table 1: Navigation Keys
Key Function
Tab Moves from one selection to the
Arrow Keys
Change from one menu to the
Arrow Keys
Move between selections
Enter Opens highlighted section
Change settings.